Thursday, August 9, 2012

Sharing More Project Life Pages

Hi everyone, today I thought I would share 3 of my favorite spreads from the summer so far. We have had a busy summer. Lots of splash pads, swimming, day trips and more. I've had so many photos I didn't know what to do with them, making it hard to pick some weeks. I hope everyone is having a fabulous summer with family and friends. Would love your input. Are you currently doing Project Life and if so what do you love most about it? If not doing it, are you thinking about doing it next year. Remember if you are thinking about doing it you don't have to wait until January to start. You can really start any time. I wish I knew about this project three years ago when I had Addison. I'm planning on starting a Project Life type binder for both Addison & Emily. In their own books would be all their hospital memorabilia. Hospital bracelets, bassinet card, birth announcement, cards etc. I'm also going to include their artwork, photos, swimming certificates, awards, cards, some digital layouts and maybe even an outfit. Its a book for them to take with them someday. Okay back to 3 layouts from this Summer. Of course I picked layouts that the colours coordinate for the whole week :)

The first spread on the left is the last page of our holidays. We took a week off in June and I ended up doing 2 1/2 spreads to document it. Love the colours. The other side of the spread covers week 26. In this spread I have included some extra inserts like a Martha Stewart  5 1/2"x 8 1/2" page protector which holds my Instagram Challenge photos for the month of June and on the other side I have pictures from the Cambridge Butterfly Conservatory. I included two brochures from that trip. 


Next is a spread that includes only one week. Week 27. This week Doug and I really noticed the bond forming between the girls so we really wanted to document this with words and photos. Also it was Hubby's birthday and I included a card about me (Mommy Right Now) On this card I have what I'm listening to, craving, watching, favorite outift and what I'm working on. I want to include this type of card once in a while throughout the year for Hubby and I. Love that the photo and elements flow together.

Week 30 I'm loving all the pink. This week Addison got her hair cut. I included a before and after shot plus I included some actual clippings of her hair. I also added a Martha Stewart 5 1/2" x 8 1/2" page protector to house my July Instagram Challenge and a snap shot of my Pinterest boards. I LOVE Pinterest. I would be lost with out it. It's definitely a site you could lose a lot of time with.

Click Pictures for Credits. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and look over my pages. I don't post often but if you would like to be notify when I do please follow me on the right. Have a GREAT evening.



  1. Your project life layouts are so cute! I love your design style and how everything flows together. Very inspiring! Keep up the great work (i say work, because i'm doing project life also, and it is definetly WORK!);)
